Tin-Zinc and Other Glenair Material Innovations


STEP 4: Etched parts are stripped of all oxide buildup in a nitric acid bath, then “flash-plated” in the prepared electroless zincate solution. This process protects the work from oxidation and augments conductivity.

STEP 3: Meanwhile, raw parts are wired for electrical current flow, cleaned with an alkaline solution and an acid bath, and then finished with a sodium hydroxide “etch” to create a clean, adhesive surface upon which initial platings can be applied.

STEP 8: Plated parts receive a final rinsing in hot deionized water,

after which they are dried and cured in an oven. Lastly, parts are sorted and examined by inspectors to ensure there have been no flaws in the plating process.

STEP 7: Colorization of the work is achieved by submersion in a chromic acid bath containing dye. The chromate solution reacts with the plating to yield colors such as olive drab, black, or green/gold.

QwikConnect • April 2023


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